Crooked & Beautiful Brand Ecosystem
Crooked & Beautiful is my online shop, blog, and cabinet of curiosities. It's a desperate attempt to realize my lifelong dream of a world in which Halloween lasts all year and people say what they mean. Much to my dismay, I've determined that I can't do a ton about the second half of that dream but I can certainly draw a bunch of witches! Since its inception in 2019, I've sold a variety of products (prints, originals, greeting cards, etc) through my online storefronts and in person at markets/cons/etc. I've also completed a series of illustration commissions for individuals and small businesses. In 2022, I hope to:
• continue to explore the intersection of design & illustration;
• expand my services to larger commercial clients; and
• break into the world of licensing.
• expand my services to larger commercial clients; and
• break into the world of licensing.
My Roles
• Art Director
• Visual Designer
• Brand Strategist
• Content Creator
• Artist/Product Designer
• And everything else, haha. But this is a design portfolio so the above are most relevant.
• Visual Designer
• Brand Strategist
• Content Creator
• Artist/Product Designer
• And everything else, haha. But this is a design portfolio so the above are most relevant.